Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Class 702 March 31, 2020 --Review/Discuss Homework Questions

Essential Question:

What motivates character's to do what they do?

Today we will discuss the short story "Raymond's Run"  by Toni  Cade Bambara
  • Identify parts of the plot
  • Analyze the characters qualities
  • Review the homework questions
  • Comments, questions and concerns
Zoom  Meeting  From  10 A.M  - 10:30 AM


ENL Support class 702 Please login to Pupil Path for today's (3/31/20) assignment. Thank you! ENL Students please login to imagine learning for at least 45 minutes and check your pupil path for ongoing assignment and supportive resources.  Link: Imaginelearning.com/login
  If you are having difficulties loging in please call me: (732)497-2308    Zoom  Meeting  From  10 A.M  - 10:30 AM


Inicie sesión en Pupil Path para la tarea de hoy (3/31/20). ¡Gracias! Los estudiantes de ENL deben iniciar sesión para imaginar el aprendizaje durante al menos 45 minutos y verificar la ruta de su alumno para la asignación continua y los recursos de apoyo.
يرجى تسجيل الدخول إلى Pupil Path لتعيين اليوم ENL الطلاب يرجى تسجيل الدخول لتصور التعلم لمدة   بك للتخصيص45 دقيقة على الأقل والتحقق من مسار . (3/31/20). شكرا لكم!الداعمة.المستمر والموارد التلميذ الخاص 
Tanpri konekte nan Path Path pou plasman jodi a (3/31/20). Mèsi!  Zoom  Meeting  From  10 A.M  - 10:30 AM


Elèv ENL tanpri konekte imajine aprantisaj pou omwen 45 minit epi tcheke chemen ou pou devwa kontinyèl ak resous sipò