Monday, March 23, 2020

Monday March 23rd, 2020

Good Morning Classes 702, 703, and 704.

Welcome to the beginning of our new adventure through VIRTUAL LEARNING

Please check below for your assignments for today.

TOGETHER WE CAN!!                                                                                                                          

Mr. Dowd (Classes 702 and 704)

1) Please login to PupilPath (If you don't have your login, please contact me ASAP)

2) Send me an Email message saying "Hello, Mr. Dowd!"  In Return, you will receive your Khan Academy Login.

3) Complete the Assignment labeled "March 23rd, 2020" in PUPIL PATH

  • If you have any issues uploading please contact me!!!!!!!!! 

Ms, Hemmings/Ms. Roseau (Class 703)
Ms. Hemmings (Class 704)

First things first, to make sure YOU have access to receive/send YOUR assignments please do the following:

1) LOG INTO PUPIL PATH and send me an email. This is were you will be getting your daily assignments and further instructions for upcoming lessons.

  • Your parent/guardian was sent via text message  (3/19/2020) a copy of the invitation.  At the bottom in BOLD  LETTERS is your OSIS # AND  REGISTRATION CODE to set it up if you have not already.  Write down your password so you won't forget it.
  • I will respond to your email when it is received.
2) LOG INTO LIGHTSAIL.  This is were you will have Strategic Reading twice a week, Mondays and Tuesday.  I would like students to log into Lightsail and make sure they can access the site.

                          www. (MUST USE GOOGLE CHROME)
                          your username: first name.last name7
                          your password : lightsailed2020

  • You may create a personal password.  Make sure to write it down. You will find further details in PUPIL PATH.   Send me an email to confirm you have access or not.  Respond in PUPIL PATH and let me know any problems you run into i.e password reset.

It is important that you check this BLOG  and PUPIL PATH EVERYDAY to keep up with your assignments.  REMEMBER...All assignments will be posted DAILY on PUPIL PATH.  We are now preparing for Grade 8...LET'S GO.... YOU GOT THIS!!!