Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Class 702 Ms. Roseau/Ms. Tyson May 5, 2020

Good Morning Class 702,

May 5, 2020

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 We will read and analyze the poem "Democracy",  by Sarah Holbrook

Essential Question: How do people express opinions in meaningful ways?
1.What is alliteration ? What is figurative language?
2. Vocabulary for “ Democracy” by Sara Holbrook
3. Read and analyze stanzas 1-3  of the poem for “ Democracy” by Sara Holbrook
4. Writer's perspective on democracy

Discussion/ Vocabulary

1. What material or substance is used to make paper? What do you consider essential necessities for survival? 

2. vocabulary:    abated– decrease, fallen

levies– taxes , charges

                 procurement–to get possession of , obtain by particular care and effort the    act of obtaining or getting by effort, care, or the use of  special means

                   Crow’s feet

                   Unemployment compensation


                   Privilege– having opportunities

                   Reluctant- unwilling, hesitate